Outreach Services

Provide you with effective query letters and sell sheets to be submitted to independent bookstores, literary agents, and key decision makers in the literary world.

We will collaborate with you in making the most of prior or existing marketing and publicity campaigns that you have done and how the information from those efforts can strengthen you author portfolio. By integrating them into your custom query letters and sell sheets, we put your best foot forward as we reach out to your target key decision makers.

Have you ever considered your book to be adapted into a movie or television series?


We can make your book available to agents, TV & Movie producers, directors and actors through our Book to Film Adaptation Service. If you’re determined to turn your book into a movie or television series, a Hollywood Treatment and/or Screenplay is the way to make direct connections to production companies for producing deals.


A screenplay is a fully fleshed out script that television and movie producers can use as a means of evaluating if an adaptation of your book is something they want to produce. With a professionally adapted screenplay, you will let TV & Movie industry professionals know you are serious about breaking into the entertainment business.

How it works:

  • A professional screenwriter will collaborate with you to complete a Hollywood-standard screenplay for your book
  • A draft will be provided to you for review and approval to ensure that you and your screenwriter are on the same page regarding the direction your story is taking
  • Screenplay elements will include character dialogue and detailed action of the story
  • The screenwriter waives all rights to your screenplay, so you retain 100% ownership of your work
  • Once your screenplay is complete, we will submit it to the industry’s leading Media Groups and Executives
  • If they’re interested in working with you, they may contact you directly to discuss the development of your work for TV or Film adaption and any Producing Deal proposed.
  • Your screenplay will be added into our exclusive Hollywood Database where it will be accessible to directors, producers, actors and agents.
  • Timeframe for completion is approximately 9 months.


A treatment is a document that presents the story idea of your film before writing the entire script. Treatments are often written in present tense, in a narrative-like prose, and highlight the most important information about your film, including title, logline, story summary, and character descriptions. It serves as a guide for screenwriters and producers so that the screenwriter doesn’t waste time writing a draft that the producer isn’t going to like.

By defining exactly how to approach the adaption of your book, you eliminate work for agents, studios, and producers. By giving them a visual outline of how to translate your book for the screen, you can clearly demonstrate that your book has what it takes to succeed on the silver screen. We will be using this to pitch the story (and book) to whoever we can reach out to that may be interested in the material for film production especially in Hollywood.

Treatments are used primarily as a way to communicate – before the screenplay is written – what a screenplay will be about, and what will happen within it. It’s thought of as a form of prewriting.

To put it simply, a Treatment is a novelized version of the book. It is used to convey the writer’s intentions.

Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils

by Carolyn L. Mein


Possibilities from the Intersections of Science and Spirituality

by Dr. Bart Barthelemy

Fear Not Dream Big & Execute

by Jeff Meyer

The Dream Primer

by Jeff Meyer

Miss Woollie’s Wardrobe

by Susie F. Kealy

Five Mile Charlie

A Special Pony for Carly

by Kimberly Adams