We Make Stories
Come To Life

Do you want your stories to be heard? MainSpring Books can make that possible.

We Make Stories
Come To Life

Do you want your stories to be heard? MainSpring Books can make that possible.

Dive into the Literary Magic of the 2024 LA Times Festival of Books. MainSpring Books captivated hundreds of guests at our booth, igniting a passion for reading with an array of unique works and exciting book signings. Experience the thrill where authors’ imaginations meet readers’ reality, true to our motto: You imagine, we deliver. Join us as we continue to celebrate literature, creativity, and the connection between authors and readers at our upcoming events.

Published Books

It’s our goal to make every author’s dreams come true.

All you need in one go.

Thinking of self-publishing a book, but not sure where to start? MainSpring Books has all the tools you need in one go, guiding you from start to finish.

Our Services

Why Partner with
MainSpring Books?

MainSpring Books aims to give life to every author’s manuscript. We value your creativity, and we believe in the power of collaboration. Our driving force is to let the world read your story.

We know that your journey to success as an author is a long one and we would love to be your partner in every step of the way. Our affiliated literary advocates are determined to help you build a strong and credible author portfolio for you to get noticed and picked up by the key decision makers in the literary industry.

We offer services that meet you where you currently are in your publishing journey and propel you to where you want to be. From production, launching, long-term branding, query letter creation and submission, our team of experts are ready to support you.

Our motto: You imagine, we deliver.

Christianity's Murderous Totalitarianism

by William Sierichs Jr

The Journey of My China Vase

by Mary Axness


More Than Ghost Stories

by Alan Trujillo

Hope From the Garden of Eden to The End of the Patmos Island

by Andrew Choi

Evil Bruises Us, But Christ gives the Restoration and Victory

by Andrew Choi

Peace and Happiness: Behold He is Coming

Behold He is Coming

by William Epps


We strive hard to exceed our clients’ expectations.

We live in a world of broadly advertised goods and services that frequently do not live up to their promises. And so, when we are privileged to experience a company that genuinely lives up to its promises, we are astounded as we interact with staff that reflect an embodiment of not only the company's high standards, but also a profound and genuine personal commitment to the services that the company offers to its clients. At first I felt unbelief that I was being treated with so much concern. However, I soon came to believe that not only are the expressed standards made concrete in the work of a dedicated staff, but every possible effort is taken to have the book and it's author become successful. Main Spring Books not only offers to authors the pathway to success but extends to authors the route to attain a mutually desired goal. They have embraced my desire to give glory to God, and we have been partners in the pursuit of fulfilling the will of God.
I am truly grateful.
maureen schuler
Maureen Schuler
Your work has been outstanding and l appreciate everything the team has done for our family’s book Walker’s Way. From the organization of the Miami and Los Angeles Festivals as well as the New York Times Square book trailer. I appreciate everything you and your team has done especially when you keep me informed so that l can approve what is needed to get these things accomplished.

Thanks again for your professionalism as the publisher of my husband’s true life story.
Claudette Carter

With MainSpring Books, we focus on your desires for your story.

You write your book, we help you share it with the world.