Get validation for your masterpiece from credible, trusted and well-known reviewers and take care of
distributing your reviews to the right people. We also provide developmental editing services for areas
of improvement pointed out.


Hollywood Book Review

Pacific Book Review

Kirkus Book Review

BlueInk Book

Clarion Book Review



Professional Review

*to serve as comprehensive critique of the writing, plot, pacing, characters, packaging, and other elements that will influence potential book buyers

400 – 600 Words

400 – 600 Words

400 – 600 Words

400 – 600 Words

400 – 600 Words

400 – 600 Words

Entry to Recognitions and Awards

Eligible for:

  • Featured Book of the Month
  • Starred Review
  • Top 5 on website homepage

Eligible for:

  • Pacific Book Awards
  • Starred Review
  • Top 5 on website homepage

Eligible for inclusion in the Kirkus Indie monthly eNewsletter

Eligible for inclusion in the Editorial reviews section of Amazon through Amazon Author Center

Book will be rated with one to five stars based on excellence

Eligible for Eric Hoffer Award

Awards and Recognition Highlights

Distribute review to:

  • News sites
  • Search Engines
  • Google, Ingram, Baker & Taylor, and more
  • (est 2007) Hollywood Books Reviews has many contacts and much influence in the entertainment industry.

Pacific Books Awards (est. 2005) accepts literary works of various genres and recognizes a book’s aesthetic appeal both in cover design and content.

  • We distribute your review to numerous news sites.
  • Distribution to numerous search engines.
  • Your Review will be posted on major book retail websites.

The eNewsletter goes to a targeted base of subscribers, including agents, editors, and librarians.

  • (est 1933) Books that earn the Kirkus Start with publication dates between Nov. 1, 2020 and Oct. 31, 2021 (see the FAW for exceptions) are automatically nominated for the 2021 Kirkus Prize.
  • (est 2010) To be distributed to Ingram’s iPage and Oasis databases, used by over 70,000 booksellers and librarians
  • To be included on the iDream Books website, a book review aggregator
  • To be considered for possible distribution to industry movers and shakers.

(est 1998) This paid for review service is ForeWorld Magazine’s answers to the growing demand for a professionally written, qualified, and objective review. 

This services provides a professional review, guaranteeing the same quality and word length one can see in ForeWord Magazine reviews.

USRB (est. 2005) is an annual event that recognizes “writing of significant merit,” “salient writing,” and “independent spirit of small publishers” as a tribute to American philosophers Eric Hoffer. 

Winners are featured on the USRB website and published in Best New Writing, an annual anthology of fiction and creative nonfiction.

Cover Revision Option

*valid only for MSB published books – for authors to include the blurb of the review on the cover

Integration and distribution of reviews on author and MainSpring Books platforms/services

Scrapping with the Mob

by Doug Beaver

The Death of Wisdom The Rise of Folly

Why We Must Care

by Dr. Arnold Thompson

Into the Canyon with Mary Colter (Young-Adult Biographies)

by Dr. Barbara ten Brink

The War on Health

by Dr. Gail Davis

Orphan in the Storm

by Julie Z. Roth

Thoughts on my Thoughts

The TALES That Wagged This Veterinarian

by Dr. Walter R. Hoge